im Nachdruck


exhibition book
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Article number9783803136794
Price28,00 €
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Book accompanying the exhibition "WAITING. Between Power and Possibility" at the Hamburger Kunsthalle | Feb 17 - Jun 18, 2017 | 168 pages | numerous illustrations | softcover | Wagenbach | german edition

Nobody likes to wait. But who decides whether and how we wait? Tense or resigned, patient or confident? Do we appreciate things for which we have waited a long time more? The images and texts in this book provide an abundance of ideas and insights.
We are all waiting, time and time again - at the border, at the office, in the hospital, on the line, for Christmas, for sleep, for the redeeming 1:0. Waiting is part of our lives and often associated with hope. Yet waiting is not often experienced as empty or stolen time, as boring, even agonizing. A person's status can be read off from the duration and type of waiting: Today, shorter waiting times can often be bought with money, whereas refugees sometimes have to wait for years for a decision on their application for asylum without being able to speed it up.
Brigitte Kölle and Claudia Peppel explore different ways of waiting in the works and positions of primarily contemporary film and fine art photography artists and combine them with literary or essay type texts about waiting. The images and texts condense into an astounding analysis of our present. In this way, the unused or lost time of waiting becomes a given time that can open up unexpected possibilities - and a space for reflection, creativity and deceleration.
With works by David Claerbout, Andrea Diefenbach, Omer Fast, Andreas Gursky, Candida Höfer, Ursula Schulz-Dornburg, Philip Scheffner, Tobias Zielony and many others.


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