The magic of silence
Article number9783103972528
Price25,00 €
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"So elegantly and effortlessly told. Reading this new book by Florian Illies is like watching a Billy Wilder film - simply great." Ferdinand von Schirach

With Florian Illies, you can suddenly experience the past as the present. In "Magic of Silence" he spreads the adventurous stories of Caspar David Friedrich before us for the first time. A wild journey through time to the man who invented longing for the Germans.

Friedrich's evening skies have aroused the most passionate feelings for centuries: Goethe is so enraged by their melancholy that he wants to smash them on the edge of a table; Walt Disney, on the other hand, falls in love with them so fiercely that he only lets his "Bambi" run through Friedrich's landscapes. As adored by Hitler as by Rainer Maria Rilke, as hated by Stalin as by the 68ers, as coveted by the Mafia as by Leni Riefenstahl - the example of Caspar David Friedrich makes 250 years of German history visible in this stirringly narrated book. And Friedrich, the painter, becomes a person of flesh and blood.

After "1913" and "Liebe in Zeiten des Hasses" (Love in Times of Hate), the third major historical portrait of an epoch by Florian Illies.

Hardcover | S. Fischer Verlag | Number of pages 256 | Dimensions (L/W/H) 21.5/14.5/3.1 cm | Weight 460 g | Language German
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