Hayley Edwards-Dujar
Article number9783038762652
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GOLD - the colour of kings, wealth and light

From royal death masks to biblical scenes, from magnificent portraits to simple toilets - gold fascinates and has conquered art since early times: Byzantine mosaics, Aztec jewellery, Giotto's altarpieces, Rembrandt's portraits, Klein's monochromes, Jeff Koons' neo-kitsch art ...

Gold is used to treat all themes and decorate all materials. It adorns itself with the greatest riches to support our imagination or to denounce the consumerism of our society. But doesn't our fascination with gold lie precisely in this contradiction?

Discover the history of the colour gold in art. Based on 40 iconic representations, this book offers a careful selection of unmissable but also surprising works, with information in the form of timelines, maps, graphics, anecdotes and in-depth texts on each artwork.

The author:

Hayley Edwards-Dujardin is an art and fashion historian, exhibition curator, author and translator. A graduate of the École du Louvre (2003-2008) and the London College of Fashion (2008-2010), she is the successful author of the series "Ça c'est de l'art" published by Éditions du Chêne. She lives and works in France.

Publisher Midas Collection | Author Hayley Edwards-Dujardin | Hardcover | 112 pages | Weight 530 g | 112 pages | Language German